Heartland Ferry Okushiri route (partial canceled) information

Honda Cars Esashi Branch

Honda Cars Esashi Branch

Number of cars available 3 vehicles
Classification of cars Kei small cars 2 vehicles
Fit 1 vehicle


Types / Usage time 6 hours 12 hours 24 hours Per day after the first Per extra hour
Kei small cars 4,000 yen 4,500 yen 5,500 yen 4,500 yen 900 yen
Fit 6,500 yen 7,000 yen 7,500 yen 6,500 yen 1,200 yen
Remarks During the busy season (July to August), the above amount increases by 1000 yen / day.

Please fill up the gas tank fully when you return the vehicle.


Bodily Injury Unlimited
Property Damage Unlimited (disclaimer of 50,000 yen)
Comprehensive Market value (disclaimer of 50,000 yen)
Passenger 30,000,000 yen / Per person
Admission of disclaimer compensation 1,000 yen / 24h

Non-operation charges (NOC)

When the car was returned to the selected branch 20,000 yen
When the car was not returned to the selected branch 50,000 yen

Rental location

79, Nakautacho, Esashi, Hiyama, Hokkaido

Booking and enquiries

Honda Cars Esashi Branch


Opening hour:09:00 - 18:00
Closed:Open every day except Tuesdayand New Years' week